Practicing Gratitude

My journey into the jewelry design world began many years ago when I lost most of my hearing. One morning I awoke with an extremely loud engine-like noise in my head and three hours later, 90% of my hearing was gone.

Initially, as you can imagine, I was very upset and focused on my loss, asking “why me” and seeking a solution from various specialists.  The engine sound, my new unwelcome companion, was always present. After some time, I came across a brochure that stated lip reading could be learned after many months of practicing. Hmm, I could lip read on the day I lost my hearing. Wow, what a blessing! But it was a blessing I didn’t recognize initially because I was blinded by my circumstance and fixated on the one thing I didn’t have, my hearing. I wondered what other blessings I was missing. I began writing daily in a gratitude journal, taking time to notice the beauty around me and giving thanks for family and friends. What a powerful practice it is to go through the day with a thankful heart! My circumstances didn’t change…I still had a severe hearing loss…but my perspective and attitude did a complete flip.

About a year later, I decided to enroll in a jewelry making class. I discovered, much to my delight, that when I was working on a piece of jewelry, the engine sound was no longer in the forefront. Thank you! This was the calm that I needed in my storm.  The class was very relaxing, and I had found not only relief but a creativity that I didn’t know I had. I continued taking classes and reading jewelry making books. As I started receiving inquiries regarding the jewelry I was making and wearing, Dawn Carlson Designs was born. What started as a form of therapy for me evolved into a business that I love.

Giving thanks in all of my circumstances has been transforming, turning frustration into joy and creativity. It continues to be an amazing gift that I try to pass along. Now, when I participate in events, I use words of affirmation and gratitude in my display and place an affirming word in each gift box.

Every day I am grateful for the people and things, great and small in my life.

I hope my story inspires you to notice the good in your life and encourages you to experience the joy of gratitude. It’s a life changer!

May my jewelry give you as much pleasure wearing it as it gives to me in creating it.

Peace and Blessings,



I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; 

Psalm 9:1


Dawn with her dog, Moose. Moose is a Great Pyrenees/Bernese Mountain mix.


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